I am a large fun woman that I know how to work with what I have been givin. I am not shy at all.
What I’m doing with my life:
Well, lol not sure how to answer this. Hum... Ok. I am looking for myself a bit. ( What ever that means) lol. I am a caregiver I work crazy hours. I love life. And Church. But I would like someone to share it with!
I’m really good at Oh, lol EVERYTHING. No, I don't know I guess laughing at myself does that count?? Hum.. art, drawing, cooking extra.. Loving people.
The first things people usually notice about me
My very wonderful smile. Oh maby something else. lol But not going to write it. hehe it's a bit naughty. j/k Kinda....
Favorite books, movies, shows, music, and food
Book's: Fiction. Think harry potter... Scriptures. Movies: Action/ funny Example ( Mummy@ Mummy 2) Not #3. ewww so wrong!
Shows: Captin Jack Harkness has my heart. lol oh... back to real world.. Oh, I love Chuck and Being human. Brit and American. I love love brit older looking shows. PBS rocks!
Oh, I love video fighting games and RPG's. and a good mix of anime.