Hey hey whats up? My name is Brad I just moved to the Florida area not to long ago from cold Michigan. I
am a personal trainer and bodybuilder. No im not your typical douche bag jersey shore fag. I just dont
work out to get laid. I eat 9 times a day, workout everyday, I dont drink right now, or get to crazy at
the bars, if you dont like this then dont write me. Thats who I am take it or leave it

bodybuilding shows and will be in magazines someday. I played hockey since I was 3 years old, I played
two years junior pro hockey in Toronto Canada. When I finished my hockey career I started coaching 30
young kids and two hockey teams. My passion for teaching kids and basically anyone transfered over to
being a personal trainer. I love helping people achieve their goals. I have numerous people I am helping
right now easily loose 3 pounds a week!!! And thats what makes me happy. I also love to travel and it
doesnt matter where!! I just love experiencing new exciting places. I have been snowboarding and
wakeboarding since I was a kid and love doing it. I miss not being able to snowboard now that I am in
Florida, but I am not complaining about the weather

meet new people in Florida!!! If you want to message me and say hi that would be awesome. See ya